Helping You Overcome Trauma, Anxiety, and Anything that Causes You Stress
Change, Contentment, and Freedom to be YOU is Possible!

Couch • /kouCH/
A place for sitting, rest, support, and rejuvenation.
To express one’s self in a particular style of language.

Pen • /pen/
An implement for self-expression and creativity; a communication device, a tool for sharing information and for writing or re-writing our life’s story. A symbol for one’s voice.
Services & Approaches
Offering therapy from an Internal Family Systems (IFS) persective. I also offer or integrate Eye Motion Desentization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR); Brainspotting; Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT); Expressive Arts Therapy; Sandtray Therapy; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT); Solution Focused Therapy; and other evidence based techniques.
About Me
I have always been fascinated by the inherent nature of people for diversity, creativity, resiliency, and healing from within. This drew me to becoming a psychotherapist. My love of psychology, science, holistic and integrative approaches to healing, and my training in fine and expressive arts inspire me to incorporate how the brain and body naturally function and heal, as well as creativity into my work. I have no desire to provide you with a life time of band-aides that you have to restock and use. I will help you tap into your internal resources, often ones you didn’t even know were there, to finally make the permanent changes you desire.
Call, Drop Me a Line, or Schedule Your Appointment Now
Finding the right fit for your counseling needs is important.
The Couch & Pen offers free consulation sessions for you to discuss your situation
and to ask questions about the services provided.
Locacted within the
Catalyst Change Cooperative
550 S. Montezuma Street, Suite A
Prescott, Arizona 86303
Office Hours:
By appointment only
Sessions begin at
8:30am and end at 5:30pm.